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Pete and his team did it in 2022

Pete Messmer is Lively Run’s head cheese maker. He is the one who developed and keeps developing new cheeses here at Lively Run Dairy.

In 2022 we entered a few of our cheeses into the yearly Competition of the American Cheese Society, as we do every year.

2022 proved to be a stellar year for Lively Run Dairy! We won 2 Gold and one Silver medal at this very competitive event that featured over 1700 entries.

Our Cayuga Blue, an all goat’s milk blue cheese won 1st place in its category. The category’s title: Natural rind blue cheeses from goat, cow or sheep milk. That is a pretty big category and to place first is amazing!!!

Our Finger Lakes Gold, an all goat’s milk hard cheese that is aged for 90 days, placed 1st in it’s category! The category’s title: American Originals from Goat’s milk.

This is a cheese that Pete developed here in the Finger Lakes, not following any established recipes.

Our Finger Lakes Gold Reserve, is the more aged version of the Finger Lakes Gold and it placed 2nd in it’s category of aged goat cheeses.

Congratulations to Pete and his team: Ryan Dougherty (Cheese Maker), Valerie DeLong (Quality Assurance Manager), Neftali Hernandez (assistant) and Lesly Contreras Lopez (assistant).

Can we repeat this success in 2023? We sure hope so!