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Our Goats

“They’re very much like people- they’re intelligent and willful, so you always have this little struggle with them. But, they get very attached to you, and they’re really quite lovable.”

– Susanne Messmer

Our herd consists of French Alpines and Swiss Saanens, a few LaMancha and four Angora goats. They are a friendly bunch full of intelligence, curiosity, and mischief who  love the attention of our guests. We feed our goats a wholesome diet of local forage and feed, which is essential to milk quality and reflects the character of our Finger Lakes region.

Want to learn more about goats? Check out some Goat Fun Facts!

Other animals on the farm include the horses: Bailador, a Paso Fino and Remy, a Tennessee Walker, and our three Horned Dorset sheep: Beethoven, Brahms and Bach. You will also see Charlie the rooster making his rounds and of course the barn cats.

Come and see our herd in person during our open months, May 1st-October 31st! Learn more about our hours and the tour opportunities we offer.
