Home  »  Meet Acura and Delorian, our newest farm members!

Meet Acura and Delorian, our newest farm members!

Acura and Delorian joined the Lively Run menagerie on March 17.

Though they look wooly like sheep, they are goats! Angora goats to be specific. Their main production is their beautiful, soft hair, called Mohair.

Spun into gorgeous skeins of yarn it can be knitted to make luxurious, wonderfully warm garments.

Acura and Delorian have to be sheared twice a year. They just got sheared last week and were a little chilled when the weather turned cold again and temperatures dropped below freezing at night.

So we helped them out by putting sweaters on them until it got warmer again.

Both are well adjusted to their new home and they let me know when I am late with breakfast for them.

We are so excited about our new members and very thrilled about the fact that they will have babies soon. We are so looking forward to cuddling their curly haired kids!

We are opening our barn and store May first and we are sure that you will fall in love with these two cuties and their kids when you come to visit!

Watch a short video of shearing Acura here https://livelyrun.com/our-farm/photo-and-video-gallery/